The Newsletter for Search Professionals
:: May 18th, 2024 ::
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Issue #5 :: 2024-05-18

Essential Reads and Videos

The Data-Driven Search Team

High search quality is crucial for business success. This article, originally from 2021 but still highly relevant, explores how top search teams use customer data from search queries to inform decisions across the organization. By understanding customer needs through search interactions, teams drive improvements and align with key performance indicators (KPIs) like revenue and growth.

Gen AI in Search: 5 Use Cases

Generative AI (Gen AI) is revolutionizing search technology across industries. This article by Lila Schoenfield highlights five key use cases: Personalized Search Results, Predictive Analytics, NLP and Dynamic Navigation, Chatbots and Virtual Assistants, Visual and Voice Search

AI: The Difference Between Open and Open Source

The article by Stephen O'Grady discusses the misuse of the term "open source" in AI. It highlights that many AI models are released under restrictive licenses but falsely marketed as open source. The lack of a clear definition for open source in AI complicates the issue. O'Grady commends Google's transparency with its Gemma models, labeled as "open" but not "open source," stressing the importance of precise terminology for industry integrity.

Upcoming conferences

Set a reminder for these upcoming, highly-anticipated search technology events. They are ideal opportunities to connect with leading experts and participate in debates.

Community over Code (Apache Software Foundation) in Bratislava - 3-5 June 2024
Apache Solr sessions and trainings

Berlin Buzzwords - 09-11 June 2024
Sessions about RAG, Hybrid Search, Apache Solr, Apache Lucene

MICES in Berlin - 12 June 2024
MICES brings together participants from a variety of backgrounds, all sharing a common interest in e-commerce search.

Search Solutions 2024 in London - 27 November 2024

Latest releases

Stay up-to-date with the latest releases of search engines:

Apache Solr 9.6.0 (Apr 27, 2024)
Info | Download | Docker

Elasticsearch 8.13.4 (May 9th, 2024)
Info | Download | Docker

Opensearch 2.14.0 (May 14th, 2024)
Info | Download | Docker

Apache Lucene 9.10.0 (Feb 20, 2024)
Info | Download 8.349.46 (Mai 31st, 2024)
Download | Docker

:: Complete Archive ::